After reading a book called “I Want to Die: 100 Reasons You Shouldn’t,” my talented friend Marjorie Clayman recently wrote a blog post called “My 100 Reasons to Live” and asked other to share their won 100 reasons. I procrastinated a bit, got busy, forgot and I am just now getting to it.
- My daughter’s smile.
- Hiking.
- My dog giving me what we call “the fan girl experience” every time I enter the room. Seriously, this must be what the Beatles felt like. She gets on two legs, reaches for me and screams.
- Palm trees.
- Mountains.
- Sunsets.
- Sunrises.
- The feeling of accomplishment.
- Lake Tahoe. (probably my favorite grounding place)
- Tea. Iced or hot. It doesn’t matter.
- Veggie juice. I know most people think it is a penalty of some sort, but I love it!
- Carmel anything.
- That feeling in early Spring when it is just stating to get warm and your car is nice and toasty.
- Passion fruit.
- Beaches.
- The sound of the ocean.
- The smell of salt air.
- The smell of mountain pines.
- A hug from someone you love.
- Long walks.
- The connectivity social media gives me to those I don’t see often or maybe those I have never met in person.
- The ability to turn off the connectivity of social media because sometimes you need to do just that.
- Patio dining.
- Learning new things.
- Music. Most any music.
- Helping others.
- Sleeping in.
- Friends.
- Family.
- Travel. I love seeing new places.
- Shopping.
- Freedom. Sounds cheesy I know, but where would we be without it?
- Memories.
- Netflix.
- People who help others.
- Thunderstorms. I grew up in Kansas and there is nothing like listening to nature’s music.
- Snow.
- Snow lining adobe walls. It was one of my favorite sites in Santa Fe.
- Hot Air Balloons. They are so beautiful and peaceful.
- Pumpkin anything.
- Pumpkin deserves at least two places here.
- The smell of fresh lavender.
- The smell of fresh rosemary.
- Flowers.
- Butterflies.
- Hummingbirds.
- Cuddly puppies.
- Collaborating on projects with brilliant people!
- Opportunities you never dreamed of.
- Documentaries.
- Grabbing the laptop and heading outside to work on a beautiful day.
- Snuggling under a blanket on a chilly night to read a book or watch a show.
- Road games.
- Solving road game arguments with Google.
- The ability to find the answer to virtually anything on the internet.
- Connecting people together that can help each other.
- Seeing an old friend.
- Meeting a new friend.
- Puppy kisses.
- Hoodies. Someone was a comfort genius!
- Skyping with a long distance friend.
- The feeling of sand under your toes.
- Clouds. They are always different and always beautiful.
- The silver lining the sun makes with clouds. I take a picture every time I see it.
- Dolphins. They are always seem to be having a great time!
- The peaceful sound of fountains.
- Starry nights.
- Northern Lights. Whether you see them or see pictures someone else took they are always amazing.
- Taking pictures to remember a day.
- The Grand Canyon. It is beautiful. If you have never been, you need to schedule a trip now!
- A big glass of ice water with lemon after a long hike.
- The feeling of helping someone and expecting nothing in return.
- Because if you don’t want to do something there is a task website out there so you can hire someone to do it for you!
- Massages.
- A hot bath.
- Good wine.
- Good vodka.
- Frozen yogurt.
- Seeing a bald eagle. It doesn’t matter how many times you have witnessed one in the wild. It is always amazing.
- Seeing an elk. It took a lot of mountain living and hiking before I finally saw one and I may have caused permanent hearing damage to those in the car with me, but it was so beautiful.
- Red Rock Canyon. It is a great nature conservatory just 20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. It is always easy to get away and the colors are amazing.
- Big snowflakes that float down like you are in a snow globe.
- Wood fires on a cold night.
- Showing someone anything for the first time.
- My dogs break timers. They insist I take breaks throughout the day.
- Sunbeams.
- A fun night of “wait search for ____ on YouTube” with friends.
- Blueberries.
- Aspen groves in the fall when the leaves change and the color is so vibrant it makes you squint.
- A toddler’s excitement when he/she sees something the first time.
- An unexpected letter (yes letter) from a friend.
- The feeling when someone says thank you.
- The great books you find because someone posted about it on social media.
- Fresh pineapple.
- Seeing a robin after a long winter and knowing it is the first sign of Spring.
- Noticing the leaves start to turn after a long hot summer.
- Christmas carols after Thanksgiving (not before).
- Time with friends.
- Time with your spouse/significant other.
- Time. Once it is lost you cannot get it back.