Back in the 1990s the New York Post’s “Page Six” gossip column dubbed then 21-year-old Heidi Klum “The Body,” following her “scantily-clad debut” at a Victoria Secret show. Since then, the supermodel, who graces the cover of SUCCESS magazine this month, has shown she’s got the brains to match that beautiful body and gorgeous face.
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Modern ways of dating for people of a non-traditional orientation
If you are a man or woman of a non-traditional orientation and you do not have a couple, then special services will help you find her, which, in fact, we will tell you about in this topic and help you find the answer to such a question as how and where to get acquainted with …
3 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up
“Never give up.” It’s probably one of the most cliché phrases you’ll hear as you’re building your career. But there’s a reason these sayings are clichés—you never know when success really does lie around the next corner.
Four Steps to Unshakable Self-Confidence
We’ve all felt the sting of being let down, frustrated, unfulfilled, or not quite good enough in our lives and relationships. I have been guilty of having unrealistic expectations of others, wanting them to shower me with compliments, approval, and validation, sometimes even trying to control situations or outcomes in an attempt to get what …
How to Stop the Rampage of Negative Thoughts
I am often asked to speak on wellness, stress and the power of positive thinking. No matter the audience, I always urge the attendees to unleash something I call “Humor Being” on a daily basis. As a comedian, it’s my secret to success in life, a secret you deserve to be in on. And I’m …
Quotes On Life – The Best Positive Quotes About Life
Sometimes it’s nice to sit back and take a break from the daily grind we humans seemed to get dragged into on a daily basis.Work, Bills…. Bills, Work = Life.Or does it?
Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivational Quotes & 5 Reasons Arnie Will Always Be the Greatest
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a living example that one can truly live the “American Dream”. His dedication and commitment to channel all his energy towards achieving a goal has allowed him to reach to great heights. He has become a global icon by applying himself to the fullest in order to do what he aspired.
How to Find a Role-Model and Why You Need One
There is one thing all successful people have in common – someone to look up to and admire. This fact is confirmed by psychology too, with scientists pointing out to the importance role models have in a person’s development and goals.
Black History Month Reveals Role Models And Stories About Motivation
Black History Month reveals many remarkable stories about motivation, mentorship and role models to share with your children and students.
Olympic legacy: role models, inspiration and motivation.
The curtain has dropped on the Rio Olympics and the sound of national anthems is already fading to a distant memory. The ripple effect of what we witnessed during the past two weeks has only just begun. It’s time for the positive effect of the Olympics to reach as far as possible. The longer we …